Wednesday, August 12

And I'm off!

So long New Hampshire. It's been great. But now it's time to return to the west.

Thanks for joining me on my roadtrip. I'm sure it will be fun for both you and I. Check back often for pictures, videos, and the random thoughts that 40 hours alone in a car will inspire.

Today is a bit of a late start (certain circumstances prevented me from leaving earlier), but what the hey...better late than never.

And the unexpected theme of today's journey You'll understand it better when I report back.

1 comment:

  1. Sean.......All the best of luck on your journey. Remember that all this experience is a baseline for your future to spring forth from. The more success in adventure you have now, the more you will be encouraged to live that way in the years to come. You are cool.....Bro. Yerkes
